Discover the interview of Anthony DELVALLE, Managing Director of Comarch France
Portrait of Comarch France

What are the main developments, trends and innovations in your sector?

There are so many of them! The retail sector is constantly evolving, driven by relentless technological innovation and a clear objective: to respond ever more effectively to consumer expectations.

Faced with this dynamism, retailers have to adapt their strategies to remain competitive and attractive. Two needs are becoming increasingly apparent among retailers: either they have an obsolete solution, are unable to offer a seamless shopping experience and are very concerned about the performance of their solutions. Or retailers want to be more and more attractive, and they want ergonomic in-store solutions. We are therefore seeing the rise of solutions based on ‘quick wins’ (in other words, moving fast to make up for the technological debt).

An important trend is the Customer Centric approach. All tools, including Artificial Intelligence, must help to sell better and provide relevant advice in-store. Having tools that are simple and easy to deploy means you can concentrate on selling. Artificial Intelligence is a technology that is now indispensable, making it possible, for example, to personalise offers, improve recommendations and optimise stock management. It is transforming many aspects of day-to-day retailing, from stock management to sales forecasting and personalised customer experiences. Chatbots and voice recognition are increasingly being used to improve efficiency and the shopping experience.

Finally, there are a number of innovations to watch out for, such as the metaverse, which offers new opportunities for brands to create immersive and interactive experiences. Virtual shops and online events are also set to grow. Finally, augmented reality (AR) allows consumers to visualise products in 3D in their real environment, making it easier to make decisions, and will continue to surprise us in the years to come.

What are the features of your solution and who is it aimed at?

Our solutions have a variety of features. 

In the case of our Unified Commerce Platform, its aim is to provide an optimum in-store experience with an easy-to-use, ergonomic checkout solution. It will be able to manage a central ERP, a shop ERP (shop back office) and a shop front office (fixed and mobile) in an omnichannel way. It also offers real system flexibility and can be adapted to hybrid models (franchisees, affiliates, own network, etc.). It is, of course, API-enabled and open.

For the Customer Engagement Platform, its objective is to enable unlimited commitment and loyalty. It has a very powerful rules engine (virtually unlimited) coupled with an omnichannel promotion engine. Comarch is capable of managing huge volumes. This loyalty solution adapts to international challenges, offering multi-country and multi-brand loyalty programmes.

In short, the common features of the two cloud solutions are complete lifecycle management, omnichannel capability, scalability and integration with external partners (API solutions).

We also have 2 new conversational robots: Comarch chatERP and Maia. Comarch ChatERP is a chatbot based on the principles of artificial intelligence (AI). This innovative solution has been designed to provide users with optimum support, both in their day-to-day work and in fully autonomous operations. Maia is based on the same principle, an autonomous assistant with artificial intelligence, created to support your loyalty initiatives.

In terms of our target markets, our solutions are aimed primarily at retailers (small and medium-sized businesses/key accounts).  More recently, they have also been aimed at large SMEs. They are aimed at all types of retailer (textile, specialised shop, food retailing, etc.) and all types of business (cooperatives, affiliates, etc.)

What will Paris Retail Week mean for your business this year?

For Comarch, Paris Retail Week is a valuable opportunity to present our retail solutions, forge partnerships and meet potential customers. We also greatly appreciate this type of event for exchanging knowledge with other key players in the industry and for keeping abreast of the latest developments.

For this 2024 edition, we will have the pleasure of presenting our Comarch Web POS solution, Comarch's all-OS (Windows, Android, IOS, etc.) agnostic POS system, which completes Comarch's range of in-store solutions.

We will also be presenting our loyalty solution ‘Comarch Loyalty Marketing Cloud’, the cloud-based customer engagement solution for SMEs that combines transactional, relational and business intelligence functions. 

As the event is a must-attend, it also enables Comarch to raise its profile, promote its offerings and clearly position itself as a provider of innovative retail solutions. We want to take advantage of this event to promote our 2 flagship solutions for retailers: our Customer Engagement platform and our Unified Commerce platform. 

Our Consulting and Sales team will be on hand to meet your needs on stand H 0 44.