Discover the interview with Flora Wengerow, Executive Director of the Orisha Retail Chains Business Unit
Portrait of Flora d'OpenBravo

What are the main new developments, trends and innovations in your sector of activity?

In this tense economic and ecological context, we have noticed the rapid acceleration of rental, workshop-repair and second-hand processes among our customers. Indeed, the mode of consumption is becoming more and more eco-responsible, “re-use” oriented, circular economy, green! Thanks to our agile, modern and omnichannel unified commerce platform, we were able to easily respond to this new mode of consumption which we will present on our stand F049 and with a customer testimonial!
The digitalization of points of sale, having stock in the right place at the right time, having the right targeting information about my customer allowing the sale to be adapted, putting AI at the service of these actions are also all trends that continue to grow. grow within Retail brands and which are at the heart of our strategy.

What are the characteristics of your solution, who is it aimed at?

We offer an all-in-one web solution, adaptable to all devices, real-time and completely centralized in the cloud. It allows complete management of the customer journey: sales, omnichannel orders, loyalty management, promotions, customers, inventory management, reporting, second hand, rental, workshop... with accurate and centralized information.
Our software also makes it possible to create hybrid checkouts which, at the choice of store users, can become “self check out” (SCO) checkouts, terminals, traditional checkouts, sales tablets, etc.
Coupled with modern API connectors and integrated in real time into the retailer's digital ecosystem, our solution offers an even richer range of functionalities.

This year, what will the Paris Retail Week event mean for your business?

The PRW will, first of all, allow us to present our new brand as well as our Orisha Retail Chains BU and the plurality of business experts composing it. It will clearly enable us to set out our ambitions, our positioning and our strategy. It will also allow us to meet our customers, prospects and partners in a friendly place and present to them our new products: our fashion solution, our second-hand management module, rental module, workshop but also our progress on the AI.

RETAILIGENCE is the theme chosen for the 2024 edition of the show: how does this translate into your company?

At Orisha, we start from the principle that AI was not designed to replace humans but rather to help them perform better. It is in this spirit that we have been using AI within our company since 2023. We integrate into all of our thinking Roadmap produces AI in a safe, ethical and secure manner. We also involve our retailers in this reflection in order to be as close as possible to their needs and the field. We have dedicated a center on our stand F049 for the PRW: Come and meet us!