Discover the interview with Flora WOLFER, Chief Marketing Officer at Payplug

What are the main news, trends and innovations in your sector?

As a payment service provider, in daily contact with 17,000 merchants and 800 key players in the ecosystem, Payplug is a privileged observer when it comes to identifying trends such as :

  • On the consumer side, the hybridisation of purchasing paths: 75% of buyers use digital and physical contact points on the same customer journey.
  • On the retail side, the diversification of sales channels: retailers are seeking to meet consumers where they are in order to respond to their needs, consumers where they are to meet their expectations.
  •  In terms of technology, the interconnection of tools: today, a merchant uses at least six different software applications on a daily basis. The good news is that it is becoming to connect them all together!

These three factors are driving the unification of the retail sector, with the aim of offering agile management of their business and consumers a more fluid shopping experience. shopping experience.

What are the features of your solution and who is it aimed at?

Payplug is an omnichannel payment solution that makes it easier for merchants to:

  • Management of sales activity, with online and in-store transactions centralised in a single back office, with the same accounting exports and a single in a single API. Payment deployment via turnkey modules, an API or payment orchestrators. orchestrators.
  • Unifying transaction data, stock data and customer information, for example, by information, for example, thanks to its connection to the merchant's technological ecosystem, including OMS, ERP, cash register and shop management software. We've summed up our vision of unified commerce in a video lasting less than a minute. minute video. Our payment solution is aimed at merchants and e-merchants of all sizes. of all sizes. Today, we support 17,000 merchants such as Café Coton, Ducasse, Flotte and Pascal Coste, as well as major groups such as Maisons du Monde, Veepee and

What will Paris Retail Week mean for your business this year?

Packlink, 2024

In 2024, with our partners, we're helping retailers to diversify their sales channels their sales channels and unify their business in order to simplify their day-to-day and that of their teams. Paris Retail Week is the perfect opportunity to take a look back at purchasing trends, and preferences of different types of shopper. for different types of shopper. For example, 31% of new consumers from use mobile applications to make their purchases, 13 points more than the rest of the population. than the rest of the population

Retailers depend on the solutions that make up their technological ecosystem and the interconnection between them to respond effectively to consumer expectations and expectations by optimising the customer experience: the exchange of up-to-date data between. The exchange of up-to-date data between tools brings greater fluidity to the purchasing process. This event is an opportunity for us to discuss these issues with retailers and solutions, and to enable them to develop their own solutions. solutions around these issues, enabling them to implement key actions to take full advantage of the effitake full advantage of the excitement of the last quarter. Meet us at stand F074!

RETAILIGENCE has been chosen as the theme for the 2024 edition of the show.

Your company?

  • At Payplug, and especially for our merchants, RETAILIGENCE translates into :
    Unifying sales channels: centralising and decompartmentalising their data between and points of sale by relying on an omnichannel payment solution.
    payment solution
  • Sales agility: take advantage of the flexibility needed to rapidly adapt their distribution strategy their distribution strategy based on the performance of their points of sale,
    whether physical or online.
  • Customer experience fluidity: offering consumers frictionless, hybrid shopping frictionless hybrid shopping journeys, with data updated in real time for more informed
    more informed purchasing decisions.
    •  Cutting-edge technology: developing and integrating advanced technological tools to improve conversion and payment management, supporting their ambitions and
      their ambitions and enabling them to manage their business more efficiently.
    • Hyper-personalised customer journeys: exploring new growth opportunities by providing by providing personalised customer interactions based on unified and accurate data..

    We are convinced that, through payment and with our partners, we can accelerate merchants' growth while simplifying the day-to-day management of their businesses.
    their business