Discover the interview with Madeleine Cabot, Partnerships Manager at doofinder.
Portrait of Madeleine Cabot

What are the main news, trends and innovations in your sector?

In an increasingly competitive e-commerce market, where 80% of consumers prefer personalised experiences, the customer experience is the top priority.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are playing a crucial role in enabling product recommendations based on individual buying behaviour and preferences, boosting conversion rates by up to 30%.
The growing adoption of voice assistants is driving e-tailers to optimise their platforms for voice search, making it easier to find products. In addition, visual search tools allow consumers to search for products by uploading images, making it easier to find similar items. AI continually improves search algorithms by adapting to trends and offering automatic corrections, making search more efficient and the user experience more enjoyable.

What are the features of your solution and who is it aimed at?


Doofinder is a market-leading product search and discovery technology solution that addresses a vital eCommerce need. 
Unlike default search engines that often fail to search and locate the desired products, Doofinder uses advanced AI algorithms to provide users with accurate results and relevant recommendations in real-time.
Doofinder delivers fast, relevant search results efficiently, adapting to users' needs. It understands the different types of search used by each customer and adapts to personalise results as much as possible throughout the buying process. Doofinder's versatility makes it an unbeatable choice. 
It's also very easy to install and manage using the eCommerce Manager. This saves you a lot of time and, if you wish, you can refine its intelligence by adding advanced filters, creating attractive banners and prioritising specific product results or recommendations.
It also provides valuable data for identifying new business opportunities and aligning customer desires with business needs.


Who will be representing Paris Retail Week for your business this year?


Paris Retail Week is not only an opportunity for us to gain visibility within the sector, but also to continue to generate quality relationships within the ecosystem. We've been exhibiting for many years and every year we build new relationships, but we also strengthen existing ones, creating links with partners and other friendly companies, so that we can continue to develop our networks together.


RETAILIGENCE is the theme chosen for the 2024 edition of the show: what does this mean for your company?


We use AI to enable any eCommerce to offer increasingly personalised shopping experiences to every customer. 

We want an eCommerce to be able to give its customers the feeling that they are shopping in their trusted shop, where they are looked after, assisted with dedication and well informed, in the same way as in a physical shop.

We do this by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to collect and learn from searches and interactions during each visit, to suggest products through the search engine and to recommend other items during the shopping process to meet the needs of each customer.