In recent years, the advent of e-commerce has led to an explosion of marketplaces. Range extension, better availability of items, increased sales, competitive markdowns... for many players the advantages are numerous.
The store, a place for living, sharing and experiencing, is reinventing itself every day. Nothing will replace physical commerce in the retail landscape. Project management, fittings, marketing: How do you design your point of sale? Make it visible? And how can it be digitized for omnichannel access?
Portrait of Amandine De Souza, mentor on Paris Retail Week 2024

2024 mentor: Amandine DE SOUZA

Amandine DE SOUZA, General Manager at Leboncoin, is the 2024 mentor for the business issue "Marketplace".

She will be giving a talk on the subject during the show and will be producing a podcast which will be available shortly.
Learn more

Solutions workshops dedicated to Marketplaces

A number of Solutions Workshops were held at the show aroundthis theme:

  • 10 golden rules for a successful e-commerce launch
  • Generative AI: a new lever for e-commerce performance
See the full programme
Visitors working on their computers
An exhibitor during an interview

Exhibitors in Marketplaces

Find the list of Marketplace -related exhibitors

30% of visitors surveyed answered that the marketplace is a relevant theme for their business (source: visitor surveys).

(source: visitor surveys).