Today's consumers are no longer just looking for a product or service. They are looking for and want a pleasant, fluid and positive experience, both online and offline, which is also personalised and value-creating.

Today's consumers are no longer just looking for a product or service.

They want a pleasant, smooth and positive experience, online and offline, which is personalized and creates value.

KPIS, NPS, CSAT... which indicators should be used to analyse the performance of the customer journey and offer a unique experience?

Portrait of Matthieu Caron, mentor on Paris Retail Week 2024

2024 mentor: Matthieu CARON

Matthieu CARON, Global Customer Care & Experience Director for L'Oréal Luxe, is the 2024 mentor for the business issue "Customer Experience".

He will be leading a conference on customer experience during the show and will be producing a podcast which will be available shortly.
Learn more

Solutions workshops dedicated to Customer experience

A number of Solutions Workshops were held at the show around this theme:

  • Strategic Hiring Roadmap: Tailoring talent acquisition for every growth stage
  • Payment optimization: 4 keys to successful international expansion
See the full programme
Visitors working on their computers
An exhibitor during an interview

Exhibitors in Customer experience

Find the list of Customer experience -related exhibitors

43% of visitors surveyed answered that customer experience is a relevant theme for their business

(source: visitor surveys).