Banner with portrait of Paul Guerin

The payment is crucial, especially for a pure player, to achieve what we call in financial jargon a 'perfectly reputed sale.' The final payment step must be seamless. It must be frictionless. So truly seamless, without obstacles, offering a variety of payment methods to reach the maximum potential customers.

  • As a full digital player for over 20 years, what are the challenges VEEPEE faces in the field of new payments?
  • What are the brand's development projects?
  • How does VEEPEE ensure this security aspect during the customer journey?
  • What about the local market in Europe for VEEPEE?

Discover the answers to these questions by listening to our first episode of 2023 of our Podcast: 'The Voices of E-commerce'.

We are pleased to introduce Paul GUERIN, Director of Treasury and Payments at VEEPEE, a French brand specializing in online flash sales offering exclusive deals on products from top brands. During this podcast, Paul will discuss his roles, team composition, and the challenges he faces in the payments sector. He will also talk about his development strategies and the European market landscape. Finally, he will share how he manages to gain perspective.

You can also find the podcast on your favorite platform: DeezerSpotifyApple Podcasts and Google Podcasts 

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#thevoicesofecommerce #podcast #ecommerce #payment #circulareconomy #csr #Veepee"